Wednesday 3 February 2010

Rockstar Living....

..the hot cars and women" I believe Jim said it best in his depiction of this new wave of fast life that everybody has become crazy over. Standing on couches aint got nothing on this here. Just ask Rolling Stones newest cover subject- yes thats him Weezy F please say the Baby. And in case you have been on another planet, he has hot women i.e. Nivea, Laura London, Toya, and now hey Shanelle ( weezy voice- bedrock outtro). Who can argue with that. Turmoil aside, well maybe not aside, we will revisit that in a second. He's on top of the world seemingly. Crowned (self-proclaimed) best rapper; Head of arguably the hottest group right now and label- Young Money. What hasnt he done. From that less-fashionable young man that you saw in the Hot Boys, to continuously by Baby and Slim's side to the forefront.

Now three Carter's in- working on the fourth- he can do no wrong. He has officially went Rock and Roll swag on us. Guitars, to the clothes, to the flow. AC DC would appreciate I assume. Forthcoming Wayne has a little date with should i say- TIME. Yeah he'll be starting that stint on Rikers Island anytime now. You all know what for, so dont ask. And if youre wondering what state of mind he's in, check the RS article. Heres a snippet straight from the source:

"“I don’t like to stop,” Wayne tells RS‘ Chris Norris. “I believe you stop when you die.” So in the weeks before he reports to Rikers Island, Wayne is keeping busy — recording tracks bound for Tha Carter IV (the album Cash Money staffers call “C4″ because it’ll be the bomb), shooting videos with his Young Money protégés, spending time with his growing family, and deliberately not asking anyone for advice about life on the inside. “This is Lil Wayne going to jail. Nobody I can talk to can tell me what that’s like,” he says. “I just say I’m looking forward to it.”
(courtesy of Rolling Stone Magazine)

Why stop the party before it has to be. We need more- Wayne that is. And yeah sprinkle some Young Money in there, I like them dudes. Originality is working for them so to say. Wish him the best. For now enjoy the music.

“I don’t like to stop,” Wayne tells RS‘ Chris Norris. “I believe you stop when you die.” So in the weeks before he reports to Rikers Island, Wayne is keeping busy — recording tracks bound for Tha Carter IV (the album Cash Money staffers call “C4″ because it’ll be the bomb), shooting videos with his Young Money protégés, spending time with his growing family, and deliberately not asking anyone for advice about life on the inside. “This is Lil Wayne going to jail. Nobody I can talk to can tell me what that’s like,” he says. “I just say I’m looking forward to it.”

Oh yeah and a splash of the documentary that is soon to come.

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