Monday 10 May 2010


The dictionary says the word artist means to encompass a wide-ranging and broad spectrum of activities to do with creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. There is no more evidence than that in music. Say what you want about all the other arts and their artists, but ours epitomize expression at its best. Ours being musicians, the MCs as they are better known as. Those who do more than just rap- they speak, they represent. That representation is what unifies their thoughts and our ears; our hearts if its that real. I once heard it said that the music speaks for itself. Plain but true. What do you say of the person whose voice accompanies the beat, the record. I say thank you, or I feel you.
Music for me is a way of life, or rather a way to express your way of life. Nothing is more truer than the person who can capture what they've seen and conceptualize what those who are voiceless feel and relate to. With that being said, I would like to bring you another offering of just that- THE BEST OF UNSTABLE, the mixtape.

From the brother that we all know and love. I have watched his hustle, admired his passion and listened to his lyrics, word for word. Critic I am, music lover I will always be. Good music is hard to find these days and so often you hear, " Im here to save to save the game" uttered by so many. falling short is inevitable, cause in essence how can you save something that is not in distress; not when the love is still there, the passion, the artistry, the hunger. These things are more are what UNSTABLE bears to ou the listeners. Music is a commodity not a possession. A gift if you are fortunate to hear it, a blessing if you are apart of it.
For those of you whom are on either side of that- I propose- get the mixtape. And without further adue,


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