Wednesday, 5 August 2009

The Spirit of London Awards

Seek and you shall find...if you look hard enough you will find little gems like these which give you hope! This is a great idea and LxEnts fully intend to cover this event in November:

'The Spirit of London awards are an inspirational new awards scheme for young Londoners.

The Damilola Taylor Trust have developed the awards in consultation with other youth organisations and affiliate partners as a way of celebrating all that is good about the young people of London. Too often a minority element hogs the headlines and creates an impression of negativity, yet there are plenty of champions working hard in their local communities.

The Trust felt there should be an awards show that celebrated these positive role models. The long term objective is that the awards will become a standard that all young people will aspire to be involved with and gain recognition through. The awards are therefore intended to deliver exactly what it says on the tin in affect. The Spirit of London, encapsulated in its finest young people. The awards will be open to individuals or groups of young people who work together to make their local communities better places.

Each of the awards will be judged by a team of three judges. Once the short-list has been compiled they will judge in order of merit a one, two, three placing in each category from those nominated. The judges will all have something in common in that they will themselves be proud Londoners in spirit if not by birthright. The judging panel is still under development but we've already secured the likes of Ashley Walters, Tasha Danvers, Rio Ferdinand and Richard Taylor.
Whether London born or adopted Londoners the Spirit of London Awards will go to young people who are a credit to the local communities whose culture and heritage light up the City by adding passion to the prestige of London life.

The Spirit of London awards will celebrate all that is good about the young people of London - so come on let us know who you think should be recognised.'

For more information or to nominate someone you know, go here.


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